Monday, January 7

Praying and Fasting

Today marks the start of our church's annual Prayer and Fasting. I decided to take the water fast and social media fast. Last night I deactivated my Facebook and I'm not really into checking my twitter all the time.

I've always thought it's hard to fast when you're with family. And to a certain degree it's true especially when your family doesn't get why you're doing that. (I'll wrire something about fasting and the reason behind it in another post) Plus, the table never gets foodless. But since my family started attending and enjoying church a few weeks ago, fasting has never been so easy with family. They fully support it, and my sis-in-law also joined me. She's taking one-meal-only fast.

One very sweet gesture of support came from my niece Nikki. She got a glass of water on her own, for me to drink and when she saw that the glass was already empty, she took another trip to the kitchen to fetch me another glass. The sweetest thing!

Wednesday, January 2

My 2013

My 2013 will be marked by GOing.
By Giving and Obeying.

This year, more and more will I GO.

Give. For a long long time I have been living a me-centered, me-glorifying, me-serving life. This year, I decided to surrender and lose my life, because JESUS has promised.

I shall choose to give more. Serve more. Love more. This year will be marked by giving.
Obey. I turned 30 last October 2012, and I can say that in my 30 years of existence, the only times that I have truly lived are those times when I have obeyed GOD. The times when I have chosen to trust and be still because HE said so. The times when I held on to His Word because it was HE who spoke. But most especially the times when I took the jumps because HE asked me to. That's life.

In my thirty years here on earth I have seen and proven that the only way to make the rest of my years beautiful is to listen to GOD, and not just stop there, but to OBEY. I had my share of disobediences and oh, how I have messed up. But the few times that I have obeyed.. WOW!! The rewards and joy it brings is just irreplaceable.

I have decided to make my 2013 count, all by God's goodness and unmerited favor. I shall give and obey. I shall GO this 2013. :D